Over recent years regulators in the UK have become both more stringent and more punitive – this is true across all government departments and non-governmental agencies, particularly in light of the highly politicised reactions against banks and financial institutions that took place in the wake of the last recession.

Unfortunately, if not managed correctly, even unfounded investigations can have a profound impact on the reputation and profitability of a bank, business or financial institution – while criminal proceedings in court can be devastating, even when they are without merit.

Oratto's member banking litigation lawyers can help you and your organisation effectively and efficiently deal with all aspects of regulatory investigations and enforcement.

Our specialists work from all locations across the UK and count cases involving the following organisations among their areas of specialism:

  • Financial Conduct Authority
  • HM Revenue and Customs
  • Serious Fraud Office
  • Office of Fair Trading
  • Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
  • Competition Commission
  • Environment Agency
  • Health and Safety Executive

Whatever area of regulation and enforcement you require help with, Oratto's lawyers can bring clarity and confidence to the process. For example, advice and representation can be given in all of the following situations:

  • Document requests and seizures
  • Searches of homes and workplaces
  • Interviews under caution
  • Criminal charges
  • Asset freezing

Help and advice regarding regulation and enforcement

Oratto's banking lawyers can give you the advice and representation you need if you are facing regulatory investigations and enforcement.

Our member lawyers are drawn from firms right across the country and work to ensure that you and your business, wherever you are, are protected in as much as is possible.

Contact us today for further advice.